Thursday, August 5, 2010

Making progress

These last few days have been really good. No fights, daily emails and some talking. Part of me is still scared he will decided we need a break but I remain hopeful.

I am reading a book called For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage by Tara Parker-Pope and am learning some pretty interesting things about marriage and relationships. I think it will help greatly as well. I am about halfway through the book and am enjoying it thoroughly.


  1. thats good I hope things work. I do want to say something tho.. and this may sound harsh...and not that the situation that I was in in the past is any where close to the same but... dont force things to work...that just ususally makes things worse. It was soemthing I was thinking about and I thought I would share.

  2. I am not forcing them to work, we are actually working on the problem and doing pretty good at it. He had one of his moods yesterday and he told me I handled it very well. :) I hate when he gets all sad but I know its part of being bi polar and there is nothing I can really do to make it better I just have to wait until its over and not push him

  3. thats good to hear stevie im glad
