Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A new Begining

We finally talked. It was rough he brought up taking a break, I said I didn't think it would help since our problem is not communicating. So we are trying my plan which is to write each other daily (the talking part is still hard) and saying how we felt about the day both the good and the bad. That was two days ago.

Yesterday we had an actual talk about something that is a running disagreement between us in a civilized matter. We both disused our point of view without interrupting each other, arguing or fighting and came to an understanding. I think it was a major break through for us and I am very positive we will be ok.

With that being said I am now even more angry at his friends. Instead of supporting him positively they are trying to find him ways to party which aren't illegal. This just makes me more sure that they are bad influences and I am very disappointed in them. Even when he told them no they continued to try and convince him it was ok. The cherry on top is that they are spending the night tonight and I really don't think I am ok with that. I don't want to talk to them, I don't want to pretend to be nice to them. I also realize that they are my boyfriend's best friends and I won't tell him he can't have them over, because he wouldn't do that to me. In all honesty though I will probably never like his friends again, because this is the third time in less then two weeks they have been less then friends to me and to him. What they are doing is disrespectful: talking about me behind my back and going behind my back to temp my boyfriend even when he said no..... I can be civil until they say something and I told my boyfriend that I will be nice unless they say something then I can't promise I won't snap, because this time they have gone to far.


  1. I was very realieved to hear that you two were able to talk it work things out. The thing with his friends I might just be a b-word, but I would make them leave. It's not just his place, it's supposed to be a home between the both of you that you're supposed to share together. If someone is going to try and disrespect you in your own home then they don't really need to be there.

  2. I agree but it is a lose lose situation if I say no then he isn't getting what he wants and if I don't then I am not getting what I want. However I have stuff to catch up on and they are doing there thing and I am doing mine and as long as I stay in my room I will be fine. I also told him that if they said anything then my fake niceness would end and they would have to go. That was our compromise.

  3. Yeah thats a pretty good compromise, but I agree with other chick Doodles, It is your guy's home, no one at all should disrespect you there at all... I mean I know you say you cant be mean but I think you can, and really you dont need to be mean, you need to lay the law down with his "friends" and really fuck them is what I would sya they are shitty fucking friends if you ask me and really should go ruin their own lives some place else that isnt around you and Floyd... I also think Floyd should try to be better at resisting peer pressure *Im trying to not sound like a bitch love* Yeah his friends may pressure him but he should like I said fucking no so drop it. but again if they were real friends they also wouldnt presssure him.
    Love you

  4. I prefer being called Mary if you don't mind. :)
