Thursday, June 3, 2010

10 things I have learned in life so far

*Its on the list of things to do before you get married*

1. We control our own destinies, the goddess is only their to guide us not control us.
2. Anything is possible, nothing it to far fetched or unachievable. In you believe in something enough you can make it happen.
3. Money may not be the most important thing in the world, but you can't live without it.
4. Living on your own is hard, bills pile up, sometimes you can't eat, and doing the dishes every day kind of sucks, and even though mom always made home cooked meals look easy they aren't.
5. Nothing is perfect all the time.
6. Bad things happen, you just have to take them as is and make the best of them.
7. Friends and family are everything.
8. Finding out who your real friends are is hard, people you care about will betray you, but it has to happen. Eventually you have to cut the negative people out of your life, no matter how much it hurts, or they will destroy you.
9. You never forget your first love, but finding you true love makes you realize how wrong your first love was for you.
10. There is always someone to help you, you do not have to go through life alone.

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