Monday, June 21, 2010

friends: the joke of the universe

Once again this year I have had to cut a friend out of my life. I have lost tract of how many of stabbed me in the back so far. If this is what getting older entails I really need to find Neverland and never grow old.

This one was probably the worst, so far. One of my so called best friends, in reality no more then a two faced b****.

She can go on pretending she loves him and that he treats her right. That,s fine by me I just hope she realized that if she hadn't let him control her every move she would have saved both me and her some trouble.

I got this apartment because of her and she left two months into the lease because he didn't like me. Now I am stuck with all the bill, can barely afford to eat, and had to allow someone else to live here which turned out why worse for me. If she had only honored her promise and her friendship we would both be happy.

Guess friends just use you and bail on you when it is convenient for them.

This is all I have to say to you. I hope your happy, I hope your life is way easier then the trouble you have caused in mine. I hope you realize you deserve better and can do better than a guy who controls everything you do and tries to change who you are. I hope some day you realize you are beautiful and you don't need to excessively diet. I hope things work out for you and that years from now I don't read you killed your self or starved yourself to death. I know you can be great, I hope some day you know that too. I just can't be here for you any more when all you do is treat me like shit. Good-bye have a great life.

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